December 25, 2013


It's CHRISTMAS! Finally!

Wishing you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas time, and a happy HOLIDAY!! :D
Let the twelve days of Christmas begin! :)

In another note, I was supposed to go to a Christmas dinner with friends tonight, but I am currently down with the cold, so I don't have much of a Christmas celebration story here.

I hope you're having a better Christmas celebration, and,... probably,... if you're going out to a dinner party where you know there will be this person that you really like there, I'm just saying, but, wearing a mistletoe berries bow might come in handy. Just maybe. ;)
Who knows? Besides, it definitely counts as a festive accessories.

Happy Christmas everyone! :))

All warm and fuzzy inside (and shivering with the cold physically),

December 20, 2013

How (Not) To Keep Warm ... Sometimes ...

With the colder months around, or really in my case currently, the advancement of air conditioner technology, even with extra layers of clothes on, sometimes I just wish that I am a either a turtle or a pangolin that can curl myself up into a ball anywhere.

But as I am a sadder race of human, here are a few of my attempted ways to keep warm. Success rate is relative. I learned to accept we live in a world of relativity. Whatever that means. :S

  1. Cuddle with your laptop on bed. Or warm your feet on the adaptor. ... ... ... ??

    Welcome to the 21st century! BAM! Sorry, Cat, you're replaced... :S

  2. Stay VERY close to the oven while baking a cake. Bonus point, tantalising aroma. Downside, fighting the temptation to eat the cake AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
  3. Think of your crush. If the thought does not warm you then probably that's not the one.

  4. It's all in your mind! The mental power for the win!

  5. Last but not least, think of the most embarrassing moment of your life. Imagine how flustered you were. Relive that moment, and, ... feeling that rush of embarrassment to your face? GOOD. :D

One of them might work right?


December 18, 2013

Catching Fire Thoughts

So I FINALLY watched Catching Fire last weekend. I said finally because obviously I am probably one of the last persons to watch it.

I have been waiting for this movie for as long as since the first movie was out! So, as predicted, it did left quite an impression on me.

Here they are!

WARNING: This post might or might not contain spoilers. :)

  1. This needs to be the first point, before anything else, I just need to say, why is Jennifer Lawrence so PERFECT? Just why. She's funny, smart, and talented. Did I mentioned an Oscar winner at such a young age? :S

    Oh yes, the life of an old hag spent with jealousy. :P
  2. I genuinely cried during that scene with Rue's family. She was my favourite character. Thankfully it was dark.
  3. I want Effie's gold hair! Seriously! Shoud I say ... Goldeous? :] I really mean gorgeous.
  4. Thank goodness for a milder PG-13. Even though, I should say, I was well prepared this time.

  5. Mid-way, I started thinking that the recipe to a successful trilogy is to make sure that the main character is a girl, and in the second book she has to choose so hard in between 2 ridiculously dreamy boys. I wish that is how real life is. Probably that is partially why it sells so well. I buy that.
  6. I love, love, LOVE Johanna Mason, and ...
  7. Sam Claflin, oh Sam Claflin truly never dissapoints. I slept well that night ;).

Oh, I did enjoyed this one massively, but I think I enjoyed the last one better, as this time there was less food except for those Capitol macarons!
I wish there were more!

Yup, that is the only deciding factor for a glutton.

Wishing so bad she's (at least) one tenth as cool as Jennifer Lawrence,

December 13, 2013

Fitness Goals

All through this December I have been planning on nothing but basking myself in the glory of the festive season. The things on my mind was nothing but celebrations and happiness and joy and Christmas... So to say, a time to slow down and have fun.

Well, that was until I got home last night only to find a dear family member was not feeling very well. Kind of felt like a reminder that life never stops for a holiday season, and that no matter what, it might be good to keep paying attention to our health. Daily.

So not playing the party pooper, but it got me thinking what I could've done better to take care of my and my family's health in general. Oh in a cheery red and green way. *GRIN*

  1. To start exercising, move around and be active!

    I'm so lazy at this. The last and only time I exercised was probably during that once a week PE lessons in high school, in which any outdoor activities like basketball and volleyball will be done by murmuring under my breath. :S
    IF I have to pick a new exercise activity though, I think it would be great to go back practising my flag tossing and spinning. Although a male constructor worker's over-toned upper arm muscly look is always the threat. I took years to flab them back. Or perhaps I'll resort back to dancing!

  2. 'Stop avoiding food that are good for you, just because you don't like them!'

    Well, in that case, unless you're a duck. :)) They eat gravel.

  3. Get enough sleep. Also, start sleeping BEFORE midnight.

    THIS has to be my worst vice. EVER. I have yet to master the ability to hibernate my mind at night (after I hibernate my computer ;)). That skill should've been thought in primary schools! As of now, I think I'll pass for a lesser looking vampire as no amount of concealer will look normal on me. Please don't be scared.

  4. Eat on time when hungry. Note to self: eating in dreams doesn't count, even if you'll wake up feeling not hungry anymore.

  5. Keep positive thoughts. Because hopefully, that will lead to better life decisions and less self destructing activities (I really mean like too much super sugary doughnuts). :D

In summary, eat well, sleep well, think well, and exercise!

What would be in your list? I'm quite bad at it, thus I have quite a few points. Are you already a fit health conscious person? Way to go, you! :))


December 11, 2013

Some Quick Words... #8 - Meet Will and Way

Today after a short conversation with a friend, he sparked this thought in my mind that is totally original . :P

Behold for ...


Yep. Sure.

Because Will and Way is the new and improved version of Sesame Street's two headed monster. Oh yes. :)

Or Way is Will's shadow.

Yep. That must be it.
No other explanations.


I really am feeling that the weeks from December 1 to 24 always feels like the longest time throughout the whole year.
Also lately I feel like I can use a bit of pick-me-up. Literally, someone please pick me up from lounging too much on bed and be completely unproductive. :S

So yes, we can go through this week. Just think of the holidays!

Are you feeling the mid-December sloth mood too?

Lots of love,

December 06, 2013

Heartwarming Family Story: That Time I Pushed My Brother :S

End of year holiday season is the perfect time for family. :) To feel a little bit more mellow than usual, and to reminisce the warm and cuddly family moments.

Well this is one of those family moments for me. Sort of.

When I was a kid, I used to have this ice cream parlour birthday club membership so that every year on my birthday I will have a free scoop of ice cream! Yayyy!

Somehow when I was around 9 years old, I had another scoop to spare. They were in the form of redeemable birthday postcards, and I received two that year!

So we went to the ice cream parlour that night, all happy and excited, me, my dad, and my younger brother.
I got my favourite scoop of almond and chocolate fudge ice cream, and the extra scoop of course went to my brother.
He was soooo happy that his chubby snoopy face looked excited, curious, and well lit up. :))

'His face was well lit up...' :P

Anyway, so we walked back to the car eating the ice cream and things were well and fine until it was time to get into the car, and my brother was in my step.
Oh the tiny tot who just learned to walk :S.

Suddenly, (praying for mercy to my very repressed memory it wasn't deliberate) I accidentally pushed him to get into the car faster.

Aaaaaa! Oops! Oh dear!
The little guy stumbled, and the ice cream...
the ice cream ...
it fell to the ground...
and being ice cream, of course it was irrevocable, it couldn't be picked up!

Of the poor little thing straight away went into tears. I really mean my brother, not the ice cream. :s
My dad, the very patient dad that he is just went 'awww...' and tried to calm him down.

I fell quiet at once.
I remember not really wanting to share given that I was also a kid, but really, my mouth tasted only of chocolate fudge ice cream and GUILT for the following few days.

In fact, I think I still can somewhat taste it now. Mmm... *gulp* :S Not yum.

Guilty as charged,

December 04, 2013

Some Quick Words... #7 - In Shaping the Future

I suppose if I really want to be a good cook then I reckon I should've start cooking carefully and reading, and practising, all those cooking techniques as of now. Start acting like a real good cook will!


Well, just saying, IF... and really... can be quite a devastating combination.


December 01, 2013

It's December!

It's December!

Are you excited about the holiday season as much as I am?? Can I say the Ch word now???... Yes? Yes? :D Yes!

I'M EXCITED FOR CHRISTMAS!!! -- Well, okay, and New Year. :D

How the streets will light up with festive lights.
How songs that send whiffs of warmth and cinnamon buns will be playing in places making me all mellow and fuzzy inside. *sniff, sniff away!*
How there will be holiday special drinks and meals in restaurants and cafes! :D

I wish this drink is real, ... :D then I'll be like "mmm... spicy, meaty, and electrifying..." :D

Then ... the cooler weather, enough said.
But, most importantly, of course, the year end holiday season itself!

Yippiiieeee!!! :D

What are you most excited about the Holiday Season?

Come here and cuddle under this big blanket! :D *scoot*