End of year holiday season is the perfect time for family. :) To feel a little bit more mellow than usual, and to reminisce the warm and cuddly family moments.
Well this is one of those family moments for me. Sort of.
When I was a kid, I used to have this ice cream parlour birthday club membership so that every year on my birthday I will have a free scoop of ice cream! Yayyy!
Somehow when I was around 9 years old, I had another scoop to spare. They were in the form of redeemable birthday postcards, and I received two that year!
So we went to the ice cream parlour that night, all happy and excited, me, my dad, and my younger brother.
I got my favourite scoop of almond and chocolate fudge ice cream, and the extra scoop of course went to my brother.
He was soooo happy that his chubby snoopy face looked excited, curious, and well lit up. :))
'His face was well lit up...' :P
Anyway, so we walked back to the car eating the ice cream and things were well and fine until it was time to get into the car, and my brother was in my step.
Oh the tiny tot who just learned to walk :S.
Suddenly, (praying for mercy to my very repressed memory it wasn't deliberate) I accidentally pushed him to get into the car faster.
Aaaaaa! Oops! Oh dear!
The little guy stumbled, and the ice cream...
the ice cream ...
it fell to the ground...
and being ice cream, of course it was irrevocable, it couldn't be picked up!
Of the poor little thing straight away went into tears. I really mean my brother, not the ice cream. :s
My dad, the very patient dad that he is just went 'awww...' and tried to calm him down.
I fell quiet at once.
I remember not really wanting to share given that I was also a kid, but really, my mouth tasted only of chocolate fudge ice cream and GUILT for the following few days.
In fact, I think I still can somewhat taste it now. Mmm... *gulp* :S Not yum.
Guilty as charged,